Home Listening Unit 2: Tolerance. “Global Obesity: The globalization of the Fat Acceptance Movement.”

This audio begins by saying that obesity has been considered a worldwide problem. And it’s about the acceptance of size, to focus on different perspectives of people who think that society should be more tolerant of obesity. Guiliano in his book reflects the encouragement of the French to resist the American-style campaign that accepts all body sizes, in a country like France, as they say in the audio, a country where they don’t believe that if you’re fat You can also be happy.Resultado de imagen para love your body

The French think that being fat can lead to many problems, such as low self-esteem and distrust of yourself. Velvet D ‘Amour, who is a large model, appears in New York and for many years fought against her weights, Talk about beauty, tolerance and self-esteem.Of course, she is not promoting obesity, she is promoting what is called beauty, She wants to be an inspiration to others and not only in France but also in other countries.

I think it is very accepted as we are outside, but you also have to Seeing our health, when someone is overweight, they are risking their health and it is important to take care of ourselves. It’s good that there are women “big size” models since not all women are NOT the same and we have different sizes of our body and because of believing that being extremely skinny is beautiful we tend to have low self-esteem or just want to see ourselves as society wants.

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Audio Upload unit 2 Tolerance

What is Tolerance?

Take a moment to think about your lifestyle: your behaviors, actions, thoughts, and environment. Now think about someone else’s. Chances are there are some aspects of other people’s lives which annoy you. Many people are surrounded by others who appear to be ‘incompetent’ and ‘annoying’. Understanding tolerance can help shift our attitudes toward others, leading us to a more productive and happy life.

Tolerance can be defined as a fair and objective attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from yours. The level of tolerance in your life can be attributed to levels of happiness and contentment, as many researchers have pointed out; however, the same researchers appear to struggle when examining paradoxical questions such as, ‘are tolerant people more happy, or are happy people more tolerant?’

Tolerance and the Human Brain

In order to understand these questions from a psychological perspective, let’s put tolerance into an easier perspective and learn how it interacts within the subject of human behavior. The average adult human brain weighs approximately three pounds and is approximately 15 centimeters long. The brain is considered the powerhouse of the human body, telling every other part of the body what to do and when to do it. On average, a human brain has the capacity of producing billions of thought processes per second, of which only around 2,000 are brought into awareness. This means that humans have the capacity to act and behave differently in all areas of their lives, bringing about upsetting and uncomfortable feelings in others.

So why discuss brain activity? Discussing brain activity allows us to gain a perspective on how important tolerance is in our lives and how common it can be for other people to focus differently on sensitive lifestyle choices. Views on education, religion, and politics are just three of the many areas of our lives that may differ from individual to individual, causing friction between differing viewpoints.

For example, say you are studying college classes and gaining an understanding on different topics from different perspectives and professionals. How would it feel if someone you knew, who had no prior education or understanding of a topic, tells you that you don’t understand the topic, especially after you went through a course and passed an exam? Clearly you could feel angry or frustrated. When facing adversity, tolerance allows us to sit back and objectively understand where another person is coming from in regards to thei behaviors, thoughts, and other processes.

Audio Upload unit 1: Wealth Distribution.

Wealth Distribution. The 85 richest people on the planet now have as much money as the poorest 3.5 billion by Allison Jackson

“There’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won.”

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett made that remark more than three years ago and it still holds true today — only the gap between the richest and the poorest has gotten even wider.

Here’s how bad it is: Oxfam now calculates that the 85 richest billionaires on the planet, including the likes of Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, have as much money as the 3.5 billion poorest people.

And for all the talk about the urgent need to address income inequality, the mega-rich just keep on getting richer.

How much richer?

Oxfam estimates that between March 2013 and March 2014, those same 85 billionaires saw their wealth grow by $668 million every day.

These people are so grotesquely rich that if Bill Gates, for example, spent $1 million every day, it would take him 218 years to exhaust his funds.

That, of course, would never happen because Gates would be earning millions of dollars a day in interest on the rest of his wealth.

When you have more money than you could possibly spend in several lifetimes, you can afford to do some pretty crazy things.

Like spend $95,000 on a 4 lb white truffle that looks like a turd because when your name is Vladimir Potanin, the Russian mining tycoon, and you have a net worth of $13.9 billion, $95,000 is pocket change.

Filippo Monteforte/AFP/Getty Images

Much ink has been spilled about the widening gap between the richest and the poorest, and about what it means for the global economic outlook, and yet, extreme inequality persists.

And while some argue that more should be done to help people at the bottom, rather than attack those at the top, former US Department of Health and Human Services assistant secretary Peter Edelman said it was time for the rich to pay up.

“I used to believe,” Edelman said in his book “So Rich, So Poor,” “that the debate over wealth distribution should be conducted separately from the poverty debate, in order to minimize the attacks on antipoverty advocates for engaging in ‘class warfare.’ But now we literally cannot afford to separate the two issues.”

The “economic and political power of those at the top,” Edelman said, is “making it virtually impossible to find the resources to do more at the bottom.

“The only way we will improve the lot of the poor, stabilize the middle class, and protect our democracy is by requiring the rich to pay more of the cost of governing the country that enables their huge accretion of wealth.”

Don’t hold your breath.


Home listening unit 1: Wealth Distribution

The video talks about the economic inequality that affects children among the rich countries of the world, specially in incomes of education, because that is affecting that. As the UNICEF book said “Fairness for Children” , kids with from the bottom gap are likely to have low outcomes in education. This is very important for children’s life opportunities, due to poor education, they should not succeed as adults. Rich countries must need to shorten the wealth distribution among children, In more equal societies, chances in life of children improve very much. These nations have less child poverty and better academic results also children are happier and have a better health.

In my opinion It is very true that there is a great inequality in education and many families do not have money to support their children’s education and have no success in life. Since the rich or middle class have the opportunity to emerge thanks to education but many are left behind and that is very sad, everyone should have the opportunity to study and create much more school scholarships.

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