First Audio: Michelle as John and Carolina as Helen
Second audio: Carolina as john and Michelle as Helen
John: | Ready for our revision quiz? |
Helen: | Oh, I hope so. |
John: | OK, let’s get cracking. Right, erm … give me three examples of resources. |
Helen: | Time, money and skill. |
John: | Very good. And what does the law of demand state? |
Helen: | That generally price and quantity demanded in a market are inversely related. |
John: | Which, in normal language, means? |
Helen: | Oh, erm … as the price of something goes up, fewer people demand it or want it. |
John: | Oh you’re on a roll now. You’ll do fine in your test. |
Helen: | If I don’t, Prof Lewis will kill me! |
John: | And don’t forget there’s a plane ticket in the balance too. |
Helen: | Don’t remind me. I promised my dad I’d get more than 90% in this test. Hope I wasn’t too rash. |
John: Come on relax! Everithing is going to be fine.
Helen: I hope so, I dont want to disappoint my father.
John: I know, but you must trust in you
Helen: Thank you
John: It was my pleasure Helen! Good bue
Helen: Bye